Glitchy Text Generator

Write Glitchy Text Online.

What is Glitchy Text Generator?

The Latin alphabet that the English language uses dates back to the 6th or 7th century, and the computer and the internet are only a few decades old. However, advancing technologies have amalgamated plain alphabets with computer programs to create something amazing.

We are past the age of papers and most tasks - social and professional, are performed on computers. Paperwork still has its place in schools are government offices, but in general, the computer has taken the overall business.

As the dominance of computers of grown, people always look for new ways to write text. While most computers have built-in word processors that contain various fonts, online text converters offer an entirely new style of fonts.

Creating the Hacky Font

Glitchy text generator is one of those fantastic creations. The incredible font generator converts simple alphabets into hacky or creepy style text.

Many use the style in their social media profile bio’s, comments, and even posts. You may wonder how one can write in such a funky style? Before we show you how to convert any character into such form, let's know more about this font style.

The hacky looking font is commonly known as Zalgo text. Many refer it to as Glitchy or funky font. There are various websites online that allow users to convert any plain text or characters into this funky looking style.

In the computing world, any text - alphabets or characters, that we view on computers are governed using an industry-standard known as Unicode. The latest version - Unicode 12.1, has over 130,000 characters, symbols, and emojis. The Unicode is administered and maintained by a non-profit organization - Unicode Consortium. The leading role of the consortium is to update and publish standards.

You must have landed on this page to figure how you can write in such font. The process is straightforward; all you have to do is enter the plain text into the box in left, and then wait for to be charmed.

The glitchy text generator will automatically convert it to zalgo text. One can copy the new style and use it on any social media or the website.

Unzalgo Text

When anyone first views the glitchy text, they would interpret it as either a hack or some issue in the computer. However, it is not the case; anyone can convert plain text into a funky style using the glitchy font generator. The best part of it is that there are no additional hacking or designing skills required.

While we have talked about converting characters or alphabets to this hacky style font, let’s think about the exact opposite. What if someone sends you a glitchy looking text or you see something written in zalgo font online, but are unable to make out. Many use zalgo to secretly send messages to their friends or family either for fun or with a purpose.

One can convert the glitchy font back to plain text in a snap. To do so, one has to enter the glitchy looking content in the left box and then see the magic. You can always use both glitchy and unzalgo fonts for fun online on your social media profiles.

Other Text Converters

Apart from glitchy font generator, there are many other text transformers available online. Some of the most common are weird text generator, calligraphy generator, wide text generator, cursive font transformer, and many more.

We are in the digital era, and it must surprise many that people even search for name generators. Most of us have become so lazy that we expect our computers to do most of the work. Generally, most leverage these converters for fun. Of them all, the most popular is Zalgo text generator due to its unique style.